
november photo a day . . . week 1!

a friend of mine tweeted about the 'november photo a day' challenge so i thought i'd look into it a bit more... in a nutshell Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim lists a set of topics for each day of the month, and your part of the bargain is to take a photo relating to that topic and share it...simples!

here are mine for week 1...

day 1: something beginning with 'c'
'(the stork) CLUB' sign - does that count??

day 2: colour

day 3: breakfast
scrambled eggs on toast with chorizo and cherry tomatoes. nom nom nom!

day 4: TV
retro, huh?

day 5: 5 o'clock
it as a loooong day!

day 6: a favourite thing
the most amazing ice cream. ever.

day 7: reflection
make up 'chav party' (i couldn;t bare to show the whole outfit, it's too cringy worthy!)