
January - round up

we're a 1/12 through the year already guys!!! say whaaaaatt?! please don't let this year fly by as quickly as  the last - there's so much i want to do and i need time!  january is normally a pretty 'meh' kinda month for most people i think, but for me this january was an exception...

* the first 2 weeks of the month were taken up with, oh what was it... i did a show, what was it called again...? oh yeah, Top Drawer! you've all heard me go on about it enough so i won't bore you again. here's the full round up if you fancy a gander...

* following the show there was a lot of following up all the leads. i made lots of contacts - some for now, some for the future and i'm very pleased to say i've had my first sales and will soon have my products in the shops - yippee!

* and with that yippee my designs are off to the printers to get more stock made up (...there's one for the credit card!!)

* also from the show i was invited to what could turned out to be a rather exciting meeting. i think i may be at too early a stage to really take advantage of the full project but i still got some top advice for my new business from some very lovely ladies. looking forward to seeing what comes from it...

* i'm part of the Textile Design Lab - a spin off from the fabulous Pattern Observer site run by Michelle Fifis. lots of workshops and tutorials to keep the brain occupied

* and just to top it off - shock-horror - i designed some stuff. i know right, i'd forgotten what that was too, but there it is ... Christmas 2014 range is all go! here's a teeny-tiny snippet...

* oh and one thing i'm quite pleased about is i've managed to stick a weekly blog post each Saturday for a whole month. well done me! i want to make this a definite thing which some regular features but also a few randomers thrown in for good measure...see you next Saturday!